Officials from the Cambodian and Indonesian Ministries of Tourism held a bilateral meeting to discuss measures to promote tourism between both countries and strengthen cooperation.
The meeting was held on the morning of June 22 between officials from the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Commerce at the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh. The officials met with Afifi Lubis, Representative of the Provincial Administration and relevant officials of North Sumatra, Indonesia.
During the meeting the officials studied tourism marketing and promotion of overseas tourism, to promote tourism cooperation between the two countries. The Indonesian officials were informed of the Covid-19 situation in Cambodia, as well as the entry requirements and issuance of visas.
Katoeu Mohammad Nossry, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Tourism, also promoted and strengthened the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two countries, which was signed at the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2022 (ATF) in Preah Sihanouk.
Nossry also promoted the promotion of Cambodian tourist destinations for Muslim tourists with the initiative of the Sister Provinces between Sumatra, Khangjing and Preah Sihanouk.
He also invited the administration of North Sumatra to attend the Sea Festival in December 2022 in Cambodia.
The sides also pledged to continue to promote tourism, as well as strengthen tourism cooperation between North Sumatra and Cambodia.